If you haven’t heard the news, Carson Dellosa and I are teaming up to bring my collections to retail stores near you. This particular collection, Twinkle Twinkle You’re a Star, can be purchased at several retailers around the country and Canada CLICK HERE FOR FULL RETAILER LIST. In addition to my signature items, you can also purchase […]
If you haven’t heard the news, Carson Dellosa and I are teaming up to bring my collections to retail stores near you. This particular collection, Twinkle Twinkle You’re a Star, can be purchased at several retailers around the country and Canada CLICK HERE FOR FULL RETAILER LIST. In addition to my signature items, you can also purchase lanterns, paper daisies, stickers, bulletin board sets, birthday crowns, library pockets, and mini cutouts to coordinate!
*My star collection is also available as a digital product in the Schoolgirl Style Shop. I will continue selling digital collections in my store, so nothing will change on my end. In fact, I have three new digital collections in the works right now! More information about those new collections will be coming soon!
Okay… on to the REVEAL! Are you ready to get this party started?!?
If you follow me, you know that I have a new teaching position. I know this was a HUGE surprise to some of you! Honestly, it wasn’t something I was expecting either.
If you want to know the whole story about “the move” (and it’s kind of long), it is located at the end of the post. I don’t want to bore anyone who’s here just for the pictures! Scroll past the Shopping Guide for the scoop!
New Room. New Grade. New School.
I was officially hired about two weeks before school started. This gave me very little time to pull this room together. With having to work around the floors being waxed, I ended up having less than a week to get everything done.
Here are the pictures of my new classroom when I first walked in. I instantly knew I had some obstacles to overcome:
- Wallcolor. It may seem insignificant to some, but the yellow/cream walls really bothered me. I really wanted my decor to pop, but there wasn’t a thing I could to fix this problem.
- Enough time. Being hired later in the summer and trying to work around floor waxing was a big obstacle. Having to move out of my old classroom during this time also hindered my decorating/organizing time. Overall, I think I had a little less than a week to get everything done.
- Large vintage fans. If you like vintage, they are kind of cool. Unfortunately, this room design didn’t have a vintage vibe to it, so I think they stick out like a sore thumb.
- Very little storage and classroom space. I was so sad that I couldn’t bring my beloved hutch and most of my things. I left everything with the teacher that took my old position.
- Mismatched counters and half painted cabinets. I had to ignore the counters and my dad repainted the front of the cabinets for a cleaner look.
- The large, green chalkboard at the front of the room. Does anyone use a chalkboard anymore? Dark green was not in my color palette, so I needed a way to camouflage it.

The wood counter actually houses some mechanical stuff, so the front pops off for maintenance. My friend had this room last year and she painted the cabinets a light gray color. To the left, is a metal air conditioning unit.

The room does have some amazing bulletin boards though! I feel lucky to have lots of space to display things!

The carpet is also newer and nice – another bonus! The checkerboard floor is neutral, thank goodness. During the hectic week of decorating, I accidentally spilled an entire can of chalkboard paint on the carpet! I was in a pile of tears on the floor trying to clean it all up. I had paint in my hair, all over my hands and clothes. I had the paint embedded into my wedding ring. I found traces of black paint on me for a couple weeks afterwards! It was a disaster, to say the least. In between my sobbing, I called my dad and explained what happened. Within 15 minutes he was there, with a large steam cleaner in hand. My poor dad worked on that stain for the entire week. My dad is quite the perfectionist, so by the time he finished, the carpet looked better than new! Thank goodness for dads, right?!? I have the best! My dad is ALWAYS there when I need him.

Here is my room once I started bringing things in. The stuff in the center is not mine. Every time I left my room for the evening, the pile would show back up in my classroom! During the waxing process, someone kept dragging it back in over and over. It was like a cruel joke that wouldn’t end. Haha! Needless to say, I was very happy when the stuff finely found it’s owner!

Without my mom and dad, I could have never finished the room. I am always so thankful for all of their help. Below is the cell phone picture my mom took as we left on our last night. She insisted that I show all of you this (and she won’t let me live it down if I don’t)! Haha! As you can see, it’s pitch black outside. We were the only ones left in the building as we walked out. Not only were we exhausted and could barely stand, I think we were a little delusional and slap happy too! *On a side note…My husband is a huge help and very supportive too, however, with him being a principal (and he started a week before us), he was just as busy as I was. Our parents always help out a lot at this time of year.

My mom LOVES this door and insisted that I show this too. The maroon door trim drives me crazy, but it’s real and what I had to work with. By the way, take a look at the poster above. Isn’t it sweet? I created this with every grade level, so you can have one for your room too!

My dad painted over the gray cabinets. Adding the white helped so much to brighten the space. To add some drama to the room, he also used chalkboard paint on the header above the window. I really like how the rainbow stars pop off the black!

I really needed more storage in my classroom, so I lined the room with my white Ikea shelves. I added these striped storage cubes from The Land of Nod for all of my supplies.

This seven piece lantern set will also be available in stores! This is just another way to add a layer of bright color in your space!

The star cutouts were created in bright rainbow colors. But, I also created these stars in a chalkboard design with patterns galore! From stripes, to polka dots, to gingham…this collection is all about layering pattern! By the way, we can’t ignore the calendar. Isn’t it so cute?

Did you see the hanging clouds? I think this is my favorite element in this classroom! You can purchase the cloud cutout in the Schoolgirl Style Shop and have them enlarged at a local printing store. To give them weight, I had the clouds designed in a reverse shape – this way you can glue them together. The weight will keep them from bending or curling. I used hot glue to add the pillow stuffing on both sides to give them a billowy look. Lastly, I tied the star cutouts to the bottom with fishing line in varying lengths.

Why did the couch move??? I actually had two photo shoots in my room. This shot was taken three days ago. Do you see the snow outside the window? It has taken me some time to get used to my new space. I’ve changed the layout of my room a million times since the beginning of the school year. My kids actually love it when they walk into the room and there’s something different going on!

The pillows were created with digital paper included in the collection (the digital collection). When you visit Zazzle, you can customize coordinating pieces to go with your design. I uploaded my digital paper to the site and had these cute pillows made for my room!

I covered soup cans with coordinating digital paper and added some border at the top for a colorful an accent. Striped straws with star cutouts are the cherry on top! Finish it off with bright tissue paper for another pop of color in your space. I’ll be the first to admit… it doesn’t have any educational purpose – it’s just pretty… and I really like pretty things! Haha!

My crayon totes are used quite frequently in my classroom. When a child runs out of a particular color, it an easy way to get the color they need without wasting a lot of time. For example, we were coloring a Christmas math puzzle and we all needed red and green. We didn’t have to spend an hour searching for red and green crayons for those children that didn’t have them. This is something I can’t live without!

These chalkboard stars are adorable! Here’s a close-up of just a few patterns in the collection. There are so many to choose from!
This picture was taken three days ago. I obviously didn’t have enough space for all of the words that come with this set. It’s not perfect looking by any means, but it’s real. We use this constantly in our classroom. Since the cards are color coded, it doesn’t matter that they don’t fit under each header. My students can easily locate the words by color. You can also purchase this set at your nearest Schoolgirl Style retailer. This set is also sold digitally in the Schoolgirl Style Shop.
I love so much about this room, but this birthday set takes my breath away! The birthday cakes are the CUTEST I’ve ever seen. I also adore the striking tiered cake and the large birthday tag! This set is EVERYTHING!

The valance was created with a spring rod and bulletin board paper. I just folded the paper over the rod, glued the bottom shut, then added some cute border as an accent!

When I came up with the idea of doing the clouds, my original idea was to glue white lanterns together and add the fluff with a spray adhesive. Talk about the biggest Pinterest fail ever! Although they were stunning when they were finished, I walked into my classroom the next day with a big pile of stuffing on the floor! The spray adhesive also coated everything in its path. Everything ended up being a sticky, messy disaster. This cloud cutout idea was my Plan B. It was so much easier!

Instead of taping a large poster on a wall and calling it a day, I like to add border to the edges. The border helps to frame the piece and gives it so much more presence in your room.

Border. Border. Border. Doubling border and adding it to unexpected places brings pattern, color, and interest to your space. It’s such an inexpensive way to decorate!

These pillows were also made through Zazzle. I uploaded the coordinated digital paper to the site and created these cuties. It eliminated the need to search for coordinating pillows. It saved me so much time and it was so easy!

I used chalkboard bulletin board paper to cover the green chalkboard. Everything is just taped on. I like to use Mavalus Tape (I purchase this from Oriental Trading) for everything in my room. This stuff holds everything! We are going into January and nothing has fallen off yet.

These are actually called Rainbow Photo Cards in my shop. They were originally created for your students pictures and names. I ended up enlarging these to use for their self portraits. These could also be used to display student work. Whatever you choose to use them for, they are sure to be a parent favorite.
I had my students create their own self portrait. This is something I do every year. I absolutely love how they turn out! Do you follow DEEP SPACE SPARKLE yet? She has great lessons on how to do this activity with your students, plus SO much more! This is one of my favorite blogs to follow.
The striped border is also available for you to purchase in stores. I made sure the stripe was bold enough to create an impact in your classroom. I love the combination of all the border!
My library labels are also available in retail stores. You can also purchase these as a digital collection in the Schoolgirl Style Shop.
CLASSROOM PHOTOS – The fabulous E’lisa Campbell from E.C. Campbell Photography.
RAINBOW LANTERNS AND PAPER DAISIES – You can find at your nearest Schoolgirl Style Partner Retailer CLICK HERE FOR FULL RETAILER LIST, or if you can’t find a retailer near you, at carsondellosa.com.
BORDERS – You can find at your nearest Schoolgirl Style Partner Retailer CLICK HERE FOR FULL RETAILER LIST or if you can’t find a retailer near you, at carsondellosa.com.
TWINKLE TWINKLE YOU’RE A STAR CLASSROOM COLLECTION – You can find at your nearest Schoolgirl Style Partner Retailer CLICK HERE FOR FULL RETAILER LIST, or if you can’t find a retailer near you, at carsondellosa.com.
*Coordinating products are also available including stickers, birthday hats, and library pockets
WORD WALL BULLETIN BOARD SET – You can find at your nearest Schoolgirl Style Partner Retailer CLICK HERE FOR FULL RETAILER LIST, or if you can’t find a retailer near you, at carsondellosa.com. OR you can purchase the digital version in the SCHOOLGIRL STYLE SHOP.
LIBRARY LABELS – You can find at your nearest Schoolgirl Style Partner Retailer CLICK HERE FOR FULL RETAILER LIST, or if you can’t find a retailer near you, at carsondellosa.com. OR you can purchase the digital version in the SCHOOLGIRL STYLE SHOP.
FOLLOW YOUR DREAMS LETTERS – You can find at your nearest Schoolgirl Style Partner Retailer CLICK HERE FOR FULL RETAILER LIST, or if you can’t find a retailer near you, at carsondellosa.com. OR you can purchase the digital version in the SCHOOLGIRL STYLE SHOP.
CLOUDS – The digital cutouts can be purchased in the SCHOOLGIRL STYLE SHOP.
CLOUD FLUFF – Joann Fabrics
RAINBOW COLORED PILLOWS – Zazzle *I used the digital paper included in the digital collection to create coordinating pillows.
*ENLARGING A PRODUCT… Most of the items in this collection can be purchased at your local school supply retailer, however, if you choose to enlarge a product in my digital collection, here are the sizes that I used:
Clouds – 36 x 36 inches
Posters – 24 x 36
Birthday Set – 18 x 24
Calendar – 24 x 36
Shooting Star Rainbow Cutout – 18 x 24
Alphabet and Number Lines – 9 inches high for each strip
Border strips – 18 x 24
*Please visit my blog main page for more details about printing options
The story behind the move (if you are interested)….
Since some of you have followed me for years, I think I owe you an explanation. I know that you were confused and wondering what the heck happened. I not only switched schools, but we also moved too! Some of you had left comments on Instagram and Facebook inquiring about “the move,” but I couldn’t possibly explain everything in a couple sentences, so I thought I would take this opportunity to address all of these big, unexpected changes!
The house story: There are so many reasons why we decided to move. Shortly after we moved in, we realized that our beautiful dream house was a LOT of work! We lived on “Falling Leaf Court.” Our street name described our property perfectly. Living in the woods with lots and lots of falling leaves left us with very little time to enjoy our evenings and weekends. My son had also moved out (for those of you that don’t know, I have a son in college). We no longer needed all of that space and trying to clean all of it was another story! We also lived in a very small town and we didn’t have a lot of amenities that I needed to keep Schoolgirl Style operating. I was doing a lot of driving to get the things that I needed. We went back and forth for such a long time with whether we should sell the house. We absolutely LOVED our home and it was hard to let it go. Ultimately, we decided that simplifying was the way to go for our busy family, so we put it on the market to see what would happen. We honestly had no idea where we were going if it sold.
The school story: I had spent the summer working on my classroom and was almost finished decorating my Kindergarten room. I was super excited for a new school year and knew I had a sweet, little class awaiting me. Towards the end of the summer, I was faced with a situation that challenged whether or not this position was a good fit for me. I spent a great deal of time contemplating what to do and was extremely conflicted. After lots of reflection and discussing the situation with my husband, I decided that I would look for another teaching position. This was such a difficult decision for me to make. Not only would I have a lot of disappointed parents and students, it would put my husband in a stressful situation to find a new teacher to fill the position (he is the principal there, in case you didn’t know). With my husband’s support, I decided to apply for a teaching position in Hartland and see what happened.
My new school story: For years, my parents had encouraged my husband and I to move near them. They talked about us moving to the Hartland area ever since our children were young (they had already lived in the area for 18 years). We were actually focusing on finding a house here before my husband took a principal position at his current school. One of my good friends also taught in Hartland and I knew what an amazing school district it was AND a wonderful place to live. I had been watching this school district for many years and had been keeping my eye on this upcoming town. When I made the decision to look for another job, I instantly went to Hartland’s website and saw that they had posted a 2nd grade position a day earlier. I excitedly created a resume and sent it the following morning. Fast forward to five days later…I was being recommended for the position as the new 2nd grade teacher! After I received the phone call from my principal, I still had two more hurdles to get through…I had a final interview with the Superintendent and the Assistant Superintendent. Lastly, I had to be approved by the Board of Education. I was officially hired about two weeks before school started.
How it all ended:
Our house sold the week I got my job in Hartland. Talk about timing! In between decorating my new classroom and moving out of my old classroom, we bought a new house. Currently, we are still unpacking boxes and getting situated in our new home. I am loving the location and being close to restaurants and stores. The best part…I have a Target only five minutes away and a Homegoods about 10 minutes away! Woohoo! We are very close to my parents now, which is so nice. They’ve been available to pick the kids up after school and take them when they’re sick. My husband’s mom also lives much closer – this has been really nice as well. I’ve spent a lot of time going for long walks in my neighborhood (this was something I couldn’t do at our other home) and visiting/feeding the horses that roam the outskirts of the houses in our subdivision. I never knew that I liked horses so much!
My husband was able to find an AMAZING new teacher to take my position, Karen Piggott. In a strange twist, his new teacher isn’t really “new.” She is a retired teacher from Hartland! Karen had earned the title of Hartland’s “Early Childhood Guru” and had a long, successful career there. I can’t even begin to tell you how wonderful she is! She has been such a blessing for the student’s and staff at my husband’s school. I am so thankful she was there to ease the transition.
Lastly, I am enjoying my new school. I am absolutely blown away by how amazing this district is. Hartland is considered a “premier” school district and it earns every ounce of that title. From the professional development of their teachers, down to the skill, expertise, and professionalism of their staff, I couldn’t have asked for a better place to be. My principal is awesome and my 2nd grade team has been so wonderful and supportive. Overall, everyone has been so warm and welcoming. I love being a part of team and school community where we all have the same goal and purpose. It was exactly what I had hoped for when I made the move.
Despite all of the positives, I’m not going to lie…leaving everything that you know and going somewhere new is hard. I didn’t know a soul at my new school. I didn’t know anyone in this town. I have felt a little lonely at times and miss my friends. I know as time goes on, it will get better and we will become more acclimated. In the end, I think it was the right move for our family. As of now, we are having fun exploring our new area – we are visiting restaurants and stores that we didn’t have access to before. The next place on our list to visit over break…Cosco! I hear everyone talking about it, so I’m excited to see what it’s all about!
Change can be so very scary, but I’ve learned to embrace it and just go with it. I’m a big believer in creating the life that you want. If that means moving and making changes, I’ll do it. My husband likes to tell people that I thrive on chaos… and I suppose he is right! Haha! So, if come back next year with another big announcement or change, don’t be surprised. I love all of the twists and turns in life!
Thanks again for stopping by!
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